The base GeoJSON object. The GeoJSON specification also allows foreign members ( Developers should use "&" type in TypeScript or extend the interface to add these foreign members.

interface GeoJsonObject {
    bbox?: BBox;
    type: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon" | "GeometryCollection" | "Feature" | "FeatureCollection";




bbox?: BBox

Bounding box of the coordinate range of the object's Geometries, Features, or Feature Collections. The value of the bbox member is an array of length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries.

type: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon" | "GeometryCollection" | "Feature" | "FeatureCollection"

Specifies the type of GeoJSON object.

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